Friday, July 19, 2013

Rellenong Manok Recipe

Rellenong Manok Recipe
Hello there i'm here to teach you how to cook or prepare a Rellenong Manok. This dish is very difficult because you need to separate this chicken skin, chicken meat and the bones. So these are the ingredients and the procedure on how to cook Rellenong Manok.

1/2 kg ground of pork meat
1 whole chicken
1 cup of pickles
1 piece of onion
2 chorizos de Bilbao
2 boiled egg
3 fresh egg
1/4 kg hamon
1/2 cup of cheese, salt, pepper and soy sauce

First remove the feather and clean the chicken, Safely remove the bones and meat of the chicken be careful to prevent the structure of the chicken, marinate the skill of the chicken with soy sauce and calamansi.

Ground the removed meat of chicken and mix the meat of the pork, chorizos de Bilbao, sliced hamon, cheese, pickles and fresh egg. put soy sauce, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients until they mix well then cover the mixed ingredients with the marinated chicken skin and put the shelled egg inside.

Stitch the chicken skin to sealed it then put the Relyenong Manok to micro wave (Pugon) in 2 hours. And then you can enjoy your homemade Relyenong Manok after 2 hours. Try this and learn cooking.

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