Friday, July 19, 2013

Paella Recipe

Paella Recipe
Paella is an Valencian dish, This dish very delicious because of its ingredients and taste. Paella is more on sea foods and rice. Yes rice, because Paella is made of rice and sea foods. Blend all the recipe in rice and it become Paella. So let me teach you how to cook this dish. These are the ingredients and the procedure on how to cook Paella.

1 whole chicken
1/2 kg. of shrimp
4 pieces of large crab
1 can of tomato sauce
1 can of red pepper
1 can of gisantes
1 chorizo de Bilbao
2 cups of rice
3 cups of oyster
1/2 kg of abitsuwelas
2 pieces of onion

1 pieces of garlic
1 tea spoon of pepper
2 tea spoon of salt
5 spoon of olive oil

Saute the garlic, onion and the red pepper for one minutes then put the chicken strips. Blend the pepper, salt and olive oil, put 1/2 cup of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Put the 2 cups of rice (half cook) and chorizo, shrimp and crab. Look if the rice is nearly cook then put the gisantes. Put the abitsuwelas into hot water and put it into the Paella. This ingredients are very expensive but very delicious. Try this Paella to know the taste of Lutong Pinoy.

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