Friday, July 19, 2013

Adobong Manok Recipe

Adobong Manok Recipe
This day i want to teach you how to cook Adobong Manok. Adobong Manok is also like Adobong Baboy but the main ingredients of Adobong Manok is chicken. These are the ingredients and the procedure on how to cook Adobong Manok.

1/2 kg of Chicken
1/4 kg of Pork
2 cup of soy sauce
1 cup of vinegar
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 head of garlic
1 piece of onion
2 pieces of potato
4 table spoon of sugar (optional if want to slightly sweet)

First chop the chicken into pieces and also the pork. Slice the onion and the garlic. Chop into dice the potato and wash it after you chop. Put the soy sauce, vinegar, pepper, garlic, onion into the pork and chicken. Cook for 20 minutes and taste if its to salty or sour, if its to salty add a bit of sour otherwise add salt and cover cook again for 5 minutes then put the sliced potato and if you want to slightly sweeten add the 4 table spoon of sugar and after 10 minutes to ensure that the potato is already cook and
your Adobong manok is finish, you can dine and taste the Lutong Pinoy. This adobo was original recipe of Pinoys. Try this recipe and see the good of pinoys in terms of cooking.

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